Fidgety Knitter

a blog about throwing stitches and flipping pages

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Finished: The Spite House

When we meet Eric Ross, he is looking at an advertisement looking for people to stay in the Masson House. He is traveling cross-country with his two daughters, Dess and Stacy, while trying to be forgotten and un-noticed. Thus begins this slow-burn horror novel

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Image of two socks on a circular knitting needle being knit from to different balls of yarn. Colors are blue, purple and green gradient

WIP: Fidget Socks

I usually have at least one pair of socks on my needles at any given time (or maybe three). I make the socks for me because I’m too lazy to work that hard to figure out how to fit someone else’s feet. Right now, I’m working on the Fidget Socks by Amy Stringer. But the real star is the yarn. Look at those colors!

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